“Mrs Gaskell and me”
⁃ published in the USA as “Victorians and Romantics”
The Book club agreed on this one!
Just a nice read, nothing special.
Nell Stevens’ “autobiographical historical study” - she rightfully starts the book with her disclaimer that she ‘taken liberties to modify’ ... yes indeed, the book should fall in fiction category to start with.
Experts on Elizabeth Gaskell and the Victorian writers call Stevens’ attempt to link her life to Mrs Gaskell’s life merely an insult - our book club also came to the conclusion that there was not enough links between the young PhD student’s undertakings to Mrs. Gaskells achievements, the latter of which was clearly undermined by Stevens.
ILC Book Club rated “Mrs Gaskell and me” 5.5/10 points. Eight ladies attending, only six ratings though.
-Jennifer (6) wrapped it up with her comment: “love story went ‘NIL’ “
- Jan did not like any of the characters - hence a four from her! - Christine S. (7), in the other end, enjoyed it as an ‘easy read’.
There we go. Book was well written we all agreed , but nothing much at all happened in those 256 pages!
Unfortunately we can not agree with a reviews like this:
“A great galloping joy of a book - funny, lyrical, fast paced, heart-warming - a delicious celebration of love and life -- Rebecca Stott, author of In the Days of Rain “
This is more like it:
“Stevens has an analytical eye and a wonderful taste for absurdity . . . All cake is to be both had and eaten in this celebratory, charming, thoroughly fictional book. -- Claire Harman, The Guardian “

The June Zoom Book Club meeting hopefully last of ITS KIND!
However, we decided to wait another two weeks to make a decision on our next rendezvous, but if cayman Covid cases stay controlled we are planning to meet face to face July 28. Please keep an eye on ILC web / email newsletters for updates.
Book to read: Ann Patchett : The Dutch House
This book not to be missed.
If anyone interested in a totally free, no commitment, no credit card needed, trial on Amazon Audible (provided you not a member already) please email me for the link. It’s read by Tom Hanks. A lovely voice .
August book is: Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Weiner.
(Suddenly all our books Mrs this or that 😂)
Last but not least, please come up with book suggestions for September and the rest of 2020! The sooner we have the reading list in place the better for all.