Hello Ladies,
I trust that you are getting ready for the Holiday Season and are enjoying the Hustle and Bustle.
Soon all the organising will need to be over, and you will be able to relax and enjoy whatever you have planned for the holiday.
This week we had the last Needlecrafters meeting of the year, and it was held in the home of Cynthia. I understand that everyone had a great time.
We also had our wonderful Christmas Lunch. A good many ladies were in attendance, and we all had a fantastic time. The raffle consisted of wine, but every lady left with some chocolate!
Not much will be going on over the Holiday Period. All the Mahjong has stopped and the next Mahjong gathering will be on Wednesday 3rd January at 10.00 am for American Mahjong.
Later on in the month we will be holding our Monthly Breakfast, our Bowling Group, our January Lunch, the Book Club, and our Happy Hour to name some of the activities to keep you busy. I think Canasta and Pickleball will also be continuing!
Please keep your eyes peeled for anything that takes your fancy and don't forget to push the RSVP button or email ilcgrandcayman@gmail.com.
Our Membership Fee of $35 will be due on the 1st of January. I am usually around Fresh for the Mahjong sessions or at the Breakfasts or Lunches. If you don't make those events, then please email me and we can arrange to meet, or you can pay by bank transfer if that is easier for you. Of course, I would much rather see you in person!
Make sure to check out all the upcoming events in more detail in the full newsletter.